Mickle Middle School
Through education, we embrace learning and value differences. We empower students with knowledge and skills to build their future.

Mickle Announcements
Friday, Nov. 8  (Y Day)
Also, follow us on Facebook @Mickle Middle School and X @micklemissiles

*New Announcements

*Mickle Families,
Will you please assist us with making sure students are adhering to the LPS school dress code guidelines as they come to school each day. As a reminder, here is a document that explains what those expectations are. Thanks so much for your assistance on the matter.  —Mickle Administration

Picture Retake day will be on Wednesday, November 13th in the afternoon.  Be sure to sign up in the office if you are wanting your picture retaken.

Lincoln High School will host its annual IB Academy Day on Saturday, November 16th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for seventh and eighth-grade students and their parents. Our half-day program will help attendees better understand what the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is, and why it is a premier experience for high school students in the city of Lincoln.  Check in begins at 7:30 a.m. with the Program from 8 – 12:00 p.m.  Registration is required.  Please register at: https://lps.org/go/OQRV  or use the jump code OQRV.  (The code begins with an “O” as in Olive.)
If you have any questions please contact J.P. Caruso at jpcaruso@lps.org or 402-436-1301.

Dine out at Raising Canes (north 48th street location) on Tuesday, November 12th from 5-9pm.  Mention Mickle and PTSO will receive 15 percent of all orders.

PTSO is hosting a “teacher appreciation meal fundraiser” for Fall conferences on Thursday, November 14th.  If you would like to help or for more information, please go to the Mickle Middle School Families Facebook page.

Upcoming Events:
11/08 – Wrestling Meet at Park Middle School
11/09 – Girls Basketball Games at Scott Middle School
11/11 – Missile Market
11/12 – Dine Out – Raising Canes
11/13 – Picture Retake Day
11/13 – Progress Reports emailed home
11/14 – Q2 Parent Conferences
11/21 – PTSO meeting/book club

Mickle Intramurals – Friday
Girls Basketball Practice – A Team – 3:15-4:15

Games on Saturday, Nov. 9th are at Scott Middle School:
A Team- 8AM
B Team-9AM
C Team-10AM
Door #14 will open at 7:15

Wrestling Practice – No Practice
Friday – Wrestling Meet at Park – 4:45pm report time – 5:00pm Start Time

CLC/Clubs – Friday
Homework Club
Film Appreciation
Maker’s Space
Team Sports
Link to sign up for 2nd quarter Clubs: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQCpt72zDX23mZLKhc5vZyZO1sraA8klk_tx2gZnQoIU9ImQ/viewform

Lunar Cafe Menu
Breakfast Menu for Friday:
Cinnamon Mini Bagels
Cinnamon Chex Cereal
S’mores Flavored Bar
Lunar Café Lunch Menu for Friday:
Chicken Tenders
Breaded Pork Patty on a Bun
Spicy Chicken Patty on a Bun
Chef Salad
Meatless Chicken Tenders
Meatless Chef Salad